Monday, May 23, 2016

Tuesday Torque: 600 HP Snow Engine

These engines were built 100 years ago, and I saw some of them in use in Eastern Kentucky during the 1970's.  I am sure they are all gone now.  This one is 600 HP, and you can see it at the Coolspring Museum.  There is an 1100 HP Snow engine featured in the current Gas Engine Magazine, and it will be running in Michigan in a few years.


  1. Very nice video, clear for the most part, very steady for shooting without a tripod, and best of all, no annoying music.

    Rough and Tumble Historical Association in Kinzers, PA has a similar engine, theirs is a 485 HP Cooper. My wife and I saw it run about two years ago, and it runs like a giant Swiss watch. Truly a beautiful piece of large machinery.

    This is a link to the Cooper story,

    This a link to the Museum's website,

    Their 68th Annual Thresherman's Reunion Steam Expo starts on 17AUG16, and the information is on the website. Literally, (and I do not mean figuratively) tons and tons of things to see. (smile)

  2. With all that reciprocating mass it was hard to tell exactly when it started. What a brute!

