Monday, November 21, 2016

Tuesday Torque: 1867 Otto-Langen at Coolspring

I do not understand what little I know about this engine.  Flame ignition is mostly a mystery to me, and the workings between the piston and the crankshaft also appear to be a mystery, or magic.


B said...

The connection is a rack and pinion arrangement that connects the piston to the crank through a gear and ratchet system. the crank turns freely except on the power stroke, when it is driven from the rack and ratchet as the piston moves upward.

David aka True Blue Sam said...

Thank you Mr. B!

Merle said...

Very ingenious, but really complicated.
However, considering the technology of the day....


B said...

I had the opportunity to interact with a copy of one of these years ago. VERY complicated, but really neat.