Sunday, October 8, 2017

Before Hoe-Cakes, Corn Pone, or White Bread, Folks Still Had To Eat!

Back to the (Really, Really) Old Grind!


  1. Same as hoe-cakes, only cooked on a rock instead of a hoe. This is something I have to try. Probably best done while wearing buckskins, with a hounddog begging to share your supper, after you have fed, watered and hobbled your horse. This could happen right in our backyard!

  2. sounds like a good time just waiting to happen! :)


  3. I have just the rock in our garden for making cakes. It is a granite cobblestone from the Louisville waterfront. They were torn up in the 1970's when the Interstate was being built. I think a fire built around it would be perfect for cooking.
