Thursday, November 30, 2017

Neglected To Death

This 1966 Chevy winch truck is a sad sight.  I used to drive this truck and I kept it in tip-top shape.  When I started working at Stewart Producers the old girl was not roadworthy, but a well servicing company needs a winch truck for all sorts of tasks, and I worked it over.

Stewart's well servicing operation was sold off many years ago and equipment was scattered.  I stopped and took photos for old-time's sake.  It is a shame how this truck has gone to ruin, mostly by sitting out in the weather and from neglect.

I put new oak boards in the bed more than thirty years ago and kept them oiled to shed water.  The jaw clutch, brake and gear shift on the winch worked like a dream.  This old truck pulled  stuck rigs out of locations, changed out poles, pulled transmissions out of rigs; I really liked using this truck.

Someone has cut the rolling tailboard off, so I guess this old rig is really a goner.  What a waste.

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