Saturday, April 27, 2019

Beheaded Crop Trees

C.A.S. Contracting exceeded what was needed, going well outside the 25 feet that CountryMark wanted on either side of the pipeline.  This nice hickory is 33 feet off the pipeline and it has been executed. 

I counted them all up this week and just need to do my totals on what was ruined. The worst part to a forester is that it pushes the edge back, which destroys value on trees that were not touched.  This so called "side trimming" amounts to Calvin Ball for a landowner. We will request compensation for crop damages.


  1. Down here in Oklahoma, we call that "vandalism by tornado".
    It's a dirty shame they or their help don't know what they are doing. That is Calvin Ball. Make up the rules as you go along.

  2. Arborists and foresters have made big strides in promoting proper pruning in rights-of-ways over the last thirty years. Businesses that leave ruined trees standing when they should be removed are like a feral cat. They mark territory and spread damage and disease.
