Sunday, September 8, 2019

Coffee Break's Over; Back On Your Heads!

Rollag was a great getaway, and I walked five miles every day on the showgrounds, according to my phone, which keeps track of that.  As I neared home, Susan called me to let me know that the roofers were going to be at the farm in the morning to start ripping off the old shingles, and that I needed to cut branches and a few trees to improve access around the house.  The phone says that cutting and dragging brush caused me to walk six miles!  I'm feeling it! I am reminded of the poor fellow who is choosing where he will stay in purgatory, and picks a place where everyone is enjoying a cup of coffee.  No sooner than he picks his fate and Coffee Break's Over!

The roof is done, and I have ash trees to take down now, because of emerald ash borer, but that is going to wait because we are digging out a downspout drain pipe that is plugged. 


John in Philly said...

I'm going to suggest that a magnet on wheels is a good idea after the roofers leave.
We bought a small one an a bigger one, and crisscrossed the grass in the area of the house.
Each of the many roofing nails we picked up lessens the chances of a flat tire on our equipment.
I'll supply the Amazon links if you wish.

David aka True Blue Sam said...

Yup; lather, rinse, repeat! There will be nails lying in wait for years, I bet! We still find bits of glass from the break-in three years ago.