Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Getting Old

I ventured out in the weather today to check out the north end of the woods and paused to look at an old field where Susan and I planted trees in the late 80's. We have several planting projects, and I am always a bit amazed when I look at trees we planted that are now sawlogs. We don't feel that old.



  1. It's hard to believe. We are lucky that we are healthy. We don't smoke, and hardly ever touch alcohol. We take our vitamins and eat right. Susan hopes to have both hips replaced this year. That came on fast, and she has trouble getting around now. My joints are pretty good, with arthritis mostly in my hands, but I can run a saw or a pistol just fine. We hope we can continue burning wood for a few more years. Drinking coffee by the stove is a pleasure.
