Sunday, February 27, 2022


 There is a house we go by occasionally that has an interesting "garden." Old iron, cement frogs, auction plunder and etc. It was always fun to look. Now it's gone. All the interesting old things, and the house. I should have knocked on the door and tried to buy the grinder when it was available, but I respect these roadside collections and don't want to break them up. Oh Well. Back To The Old Grind!


  1. There was a home like that near here. The small city had grown up to his fence line. That is why there was a 3 story office overlooking his front yard.

    I happened to be at a meeting on the day the old timer decided to post a yard sale. There I sat behind the big window watching his preparations. I had met the man before; he was a retired rancher and as expected had a wide assortment of smithy, machinist, woodworking tools. He welcomed to show me around but wouldn't agree to sell.

    Until this day. The man moved surprisingly fast. Before I knew it, he had about turned his various sheds inside out. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore so I excused myself from the meeting. Several asked what's egging me. I pointed their attention out the window. There, thats what!

    Already a crowd of buyers were milling about. Mostly men so I feared I be quick. One other man in the office came to the sale too. For an hour or two time and the bustle of life had stopped. I got a bunch of socket chisels and various wood planes which are rare today.

  2. Perfect timing! I'm glad you were there when it happened!
