Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Lots Of Big Birds

 We saw turkey vultures in the air today. I don't think they are our bunch, but I had better get into the barn and make sure a decent nesting site is ready for our pair that raised two youngsters last year. The barred owls have us worried. One of them is now perching in the dog yard every night, right over our little dogs. It flies off when we flip on the lights and go out. The turkeys and the geese are no problem. The geese fly over and land in surrounding fields to glean corn since the pond is frozen over. A few of them rest on the ice, but that can't feel good.


  1. We see the buzzards less since the tall dead tree down the street was removed.

    We were doing errands yesterday and a gaggle of geese took flight from a factory roof with the sole purpose of executing a perfect goose poo bombing run on our car.
    Their timing and their aim was impeccable as they flew over on a tangent to the road while we were in motion.

  2. Yeah, talk about cold feet... :)
