Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Annual Dam Fire 2022

You have to fight the trees every year to keep them off the dam. The easy part of woody vegetation control is annual burning to knock little trees back to the ground. We will be applying herbicide on trees out here after everything greens up.


  1. I watched you burn off the dam and had a bit of a flashback.

    We used to heat with wood, we have a pretty big swatch of zoysia grass out back where I was splitting wood, and I'd started a small fire in the old barbecue to use up the chips and to warm my hands.
    As I came back from stacking wood, I noticed that an ember had popped from the fire, and landed on the zoysia grass.
    The zoysia was in winter mode and caught on fire. The stiff wind pushed the grass fire towards the wooden shed, and I bolted for the house to get a bucket of water from the faucet.
    No good, the faucet was frozen, so was the other faucet, and I ran inside to get water from the kitchen sink.
    The mandated flow limiter meant that by the time I got enough water in the bucket, the fire would reach the shed.
    I ran back to the fire, looked around realized that there was a five gallon plastic pail that was more than half filled with ice.
    I raised the pail over my head, smashed the cold hardened plastic on the ground so that it released the giant ice cube, then I grabbed the ice cube, started on the windward side of the fire and rubbed the ice cube over the flames until the fire went out. Then I tidied up, and even though a snowfall buried the evidence, I still told my wife what had happened.
    Your video woke all those buried memories.
    It was a very exciting event.

  2. Fire sure can make your feet move! We had the line all blown in before we lit up, and it went like clockwork.
