Tuesday, March 15, 2022

YouTube Aggravation

 Serious YouTubers are all trying to get to 1000 subscribers so they can monetize their channel, and make a bit of money from ads. Some channels surge ahead with thousands and then millions of views per video, while most of us slog along and watch most videos get a few hundred, then stagnate. Susan and I make a little money each month and we are over 7000 subscribers now. We often visit with commenters on our videos and that is enjoyable. We recently have been listening to Country Joe McDonald's performances on his War War War album. It is a selection of Robert W. Service poems set to music by Joe McDonald, and it is wonderful if you are a fan of Robert W. Service. Joe has many other videos on his channel of music going back to his pre-Woodstock days. You will see ads being run by YouTube on his songs, but Joe is not making money from those ads. He currently has just over 800 subscribers, so he is not eligible for monetizing. He also does not get a lot of views and I suspect YouTube doesn't push him with their selections they show to viewers. Anyhow, show the 81 year old artist  a bit of honor and respect by clicking to his channel from this video and hit the subscribe button. If you want to order War War War or any of Joe's other CDs, you can do so from his website: https://www.countryjoe.com/store.htm  Ordering is a bit different there. You make your order, submit it, and in a couple days you will get an email that you answer to pay. It is easy. Here is the Foreward, by Robert W. Service and Country Joe McDonald. 

By the way, this blog is in no way connected to Country Joe McDonald, except we have listened to him many times. We are not being compensated for this endorsement. 

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