Sunday, April 3, 2022

Re-Making The Garden Fence

 We are re-doing the garden fence to at least try to exclude the deer, and hopefully the bunny rabbits. We are even going to have TWO real garden gates.

Back To The Old Grind!


  1. comes out easier n' wisdom tooth with a jujube

  2. Merle, I wish I knew whom to credit. We have struggled moving posts for years, and I read about this gimmick, tried it, and it works. Passing it on for others to use is the right thing to do, but I'm not the one who thunk it up. Wish I was!

  3. Thank you for the video. Looks easier than how I was doing it last fall. Chain around the post and a lever (second post) and a cement block for a pivot point. It works but is slow to move and set up on each post.

    Expanding the garden so more fence to move now.

    Thank you again
