Sunday, May 15, 2022

A Hoe Instead...

 ...of a cane to wield! First a walker, then a cane, now she's out in the garden battling weeds. Two weeks after getting a new hip. Staples come out tomorrow. Back To The Old Grind!


  1. Best wishes for continued healing.

  2. Wow, that's pretty determined!

  3. Fantastic! My wife didn't have near as good a time with either of her hip replacements, although she is doing well now.

  4. Thank You All for the kind wishes. The staples pulled painlessly and we hustled back since we had no dog-sitter today. We learned more about how to take care of the new joint today. Rolling the leg in is the motion to avoid. One of the patients dislocated a hip twice by twisting around while shaving her leg. Susan's other hip is worn worse than the one they just did, but the pain is less. The new hip has no pain now. The recovery probably won't be quite as fast on the second hip because the first one will still be healing the muscle. That's a month away, so we will see how it goes soon.
