Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Environmental Heroism

 If we're not certifiably green, we are at least certifiable. We were working down in the basement today and Susan asked for a longer pull chain on one of the lights, because she couldn't reach it. I had just changed the flapper valve on the basement toilet, so I fished the old flapper out of the trash, removed the plastic chain and metal hook, and put that back to use as a pull chain. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. 


  1. So, does the light go off/on whenever the toilet flushes, or does the toilet flush every time the light goes off/on?

  2. Good recycling.
    Our usual pull chain repair is a length of that string used in chalk lines, (without the chalk!) and a couple of twist ties.
    Your repair is Tres Elegante. (Add the little marks above the words as needed.)
    We bought a couple of those screw-in led lights and they throw way more light than the burned out 60 watt incandescent bulbs that they replaced.

    It's not easy being green!
