Thursday, July 14, 2022

We Have Peppers,

 onions, and right now we are going out to pick tomatoes. You can probably guess where this is leading.


  1. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyJuly 14, 2022 at 8:55 PM

    Gaspacho? V8? Clamatoe?

  2. Tomato relish, salsa, tomato sauce. When the habaneros turn orange there will be jelly!
    Susan says the gaspacho is a great idea. A tomato pie is on the docket, too!

  3. Things are pepping up in the garden!

    We've been eating fresh leaf lettuce for some time, and our tomatoes are just now getting ready to pick.

    The blueberries are having a great year, and there are a lot of them in the freezer.

    We ripped out and replaced the aging raspberries last year and we will only get a few berries this year.
    The variety is called Himbo Top and they are large and seem less tart then the previous variety.
