Monday, October 24, 2022

Tuesday Torque: Bethlehem Steel Blowing Engines

 Remember in Science Class, way back in grade school how the taught us about iron and steel making? They never told us about the huge machines that could blow air up through a furnace, and as a kid, I never thought to ask. Here is the real deal. Thanks to Merle for spotting these engines for us to see!

One of our blog family, John In Philly, has visited the Bessemer mill, and graciously shared some photos and granted permission to share in this post.  I have added his name and Copyright symbol to his photos. 

John In Philly's photos below. Many Thanks, John! Click on photos to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. My wife saw the row of blowing engines that remain in a small part of the Bethlehem plant.
    I set some photos to you via email.
    I can only imagine what it would have sounded like when the entire row of engines were running.
