Sunday, November 20, 2022

Deer Season Report

 Our friends, Dusty and George have spent a bunch of time this Fall in our timber bow hunting, and this weekend, firearm hunting. Saturday was windy and the deer stayed out of sight until dusk, when they came out in bunches. Sunday morning was calm and at 6:45 we heard Dusty shoot. He got a very nice buck through the heart. Dusty lost sight of the deer and came in so it would lie down. When we went out again to look for it, it had gone about 75 yards before going down. 

Ten days ago, George bagged a good buck with a crossbow and we retrieved it with the tractor.

A few days after that buck, George got another one! Dusty came to help him retrieve this one, and he had a meaningful deer blessing before they loaded it. "Thank God it died by the road!"  I gotta say that I am impressed by the hunting skill of our friends! This photo is by Dusty.


  1. Those are really nice deer.
    If only we could ship the deer from our backyard to your neck of the woods!

    Nope, we cannot shoot them, or use a bow. Once in a while I think how nice it would be to call in a tactical air strike on the herd, but that would waste the meat.

  2. I admire good hunters, and I don't have any trouble getting close to deer in our woods because I am part of the landscape here. The last time I put venison in the freezer was 1999. Susan and I just don't enjoy venison. In fact, we would open the windows if we had to cook it! I killed a deer for a neighbor last year, but have not done that this fall because I don't want to disturb our friends' hunts. Second firearm deer season is the weekend after Thanksgiving, so I might try to get one for our neighbor who can no longer hunt. Dusty and George are really meticulous hunters. Dusty was feeling bad because he had hit his deer lower on the heart than he wanted. Most hunter would brag that they got it in the boiler room, but Dusty likes to hit the middle or top of the heart.
