Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Firewood From Our Dead Ash Trees

 After thinking on this a while, I think Susan and I planted these trees between 1995 and 2000. We are going to toss a bunch of walnuts in here and hope that the squirrels plant them for us.

1 comment:

  1. That's a nice diverse woodlot. At least in my area, we don't tend to run with quite that amount of different species. WE do have a major issue with autumn olive as well as multiflora rose thanks to NYS DEC including them in wildlife packets they sell. Autumn olive takes over old pasture so quickly that it slows regeneration until it gets big enough to collapse and let light in. Any place that gets any sunlight through the canopy lets in multiflora rose. That stuff is the devil. With ash trees dying the way they are and the proliferation of deer, woodlots are stressed.
