Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Staples Are Out!

 Susan's new knee was installed just fifteen days ago. The hips were a piece of cake compared to knee surgery, but she is doing well and now walks with a cane. Dr Eric Brewer of the Bonutti Clinic did the honors, using the Mako robotic system.


  1. We have a couple of those staple pullers kicking around in our first aid stuff. My wife was a veterinary technician for 30 years. The pullers come with the surgical staple kits, so she just grabbed a couple that were extra. The pullers are wicked easy and painless to use. You open the jaws, slip the lower part under the staple, and squeeze the handle. The upper part comes down on the middle of the staple and bends it downward, forcing the ends up and out of the skin. We did our female poodle after she was spayedand it was easy-peasy.

  2. Glypto: They should be in every home med kit!

  3. All I can say is YOW! I'm a big sissy about that kind of medical stuff.

  4. Here's to a speedy recovery! Pretty soon she's going to high-step like a rockette!

    My wife had her knee replaced 15 years ago and she uses it to kick my, um, behind often.
