Sunday, December 11, 2022

Weekend Steam II: Duplex Steam Locomotives

 New subject for me, Merle. I have heard of compound engines, but knew nothing about these! Many Thanks!


  1. Wow.

    I'd only heard of duplex because my wife and I had visited the Henry Form museum a few years ago, and they have a B & O Allegheny on display.
    The engine has two sets and two cylinders on each side and the cylinders are both the same size and the arrangement of supply and exhaust piping indicates it's not a compound.

    Nicely done video and now I have to look up "truck mounted booster engines."

  2. I'm back from my Booster Engine research.

    Truck mounted booster engines were commonly a two cylinder steam engine fitted to one of the trucks and used to add torque to the start.

    Much more information is to be found here.

    The older I get the more I realize how little I know!
