Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Work Easier With Wedges

 Take a load off your arms and back when bucking a big log that is compressed on top. It's not laziness; it saves wear and tear on the body, and keeps you working safely and effectively.

Please pardon the fur hanging into the top of the screen when the camera is zoomed wide. We got a new microphone and a wind sock that looks like it is made from a possum. We will fix the problem for sure! The new mike does sound good!

1 comment:

  1. I did not notice wind noise issues in your filming, but it's a large problem for some other folks.
    The furry fringe at the top that you spoke of is sort of what I see if I don't keep my eyebrows trimmed and look up over the tops of my glasses.

    Good technique and I will file if away.
