Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Impact Injury!

There are some obvious safety violations here, which you can figure out from the list of safety rules in the left column. Nobody should be within twice the height of the tree in the direction it will fall. It is a bad idea to pull a tree over with humans. We have seen many videos where the human rope pullers cannot match the weight of the tree wanting to go in the opposite direction.  (Facebook video)


  1. Watched a guy try to tip about two tons of tree with a 1/4 inch nylon rope tied to his truck. Tree came down, took out powerlines, cable and telephone lines. Power lines caught fire and burned for st least four blocks, popped a few transformers too.

    All that because a pro wanted $500 to take down the tree!

  2. At least run away at a right angle like the one guy did, not directly in line with the falling tree.
