Friday, May 12, 2023

Weekend Steam: Western Minnesota Steam Threshers' Reunion At Rollag, MN

 This video is by Seven In All Adventures on YouTube, and was spotted by Merle, our faithful reviewer of engine videos. Thank You, Merle! I must watch every second and see if I spot myself wandering the grounds with my cameras!


  1. Merle, I don't thing I am in any of the three in this series. I did get in the background in this Case 150 video from the 2019 Rollag show. I am wearing a tan baseball cap and am opposite the camera shooting this video. I am also wearing a cruising vest.

  2. At 2:00 there is a small engine that looks to have been made from a brass valve body and it is next to a very quick glimpse of an engine that might have been made from a bolt or bolts.
    Very neat.

    Very nicely made video.
