Sunday, May 7, 2023

What Will Be The Cause Of Your Demise?


  1. I'm a huge vegetable eater and have always been regular, so no constipation worries. I regularly get the mower serviced, so mechanical issues probably won't be the issue. I'm NEVER worried about the AR-15. My Mini-14 is generally at the ready. Personally I like the idea conveyed in the meme that shows a rifle laying in a huge pile of spent brass, with the implication that one died fighting the forces of evil that plague our world these days. More likely it will be from some US-provoked Russia nuclear attack. Just hope I'm close enough to get converted to energy instantaneously. That's where we're all headed anyway.

  2. For me it is a race between COPD and heart failure.

  3. Merle, These diseases are cruel, and Susan and I keep you in our hearts every day. I wish doctors could do more for you.

  4. Merle,I am so sorry to hear this. I have greatly enjoyed your contributions to David’s blog since I discovered it. Prayers for your difficult journey. Russell Johns
