Friday, August 25, 2023

Weekend Steam: Engine Shows In Full Swing

 No idea where this one is. Little engines are fun to watch, probably are not appreciated sufficiently. It takes time, skill, and plenty of money to build one of these. Occasionally you will see a 1" = 12" scale model, but those are really tough builds. 2" = 12" is big enough to pull you on a little cart, but the 3" models are nicer to operate. 6" = 12" models of Case 65 HP engines are very popular, and they can run a buzz saw or shingle mill with ease. I still think that Kory Anderson's Case 150 is the best traction engine model ever built. 12" = 12" of the biggest traction engine ever built is a model that will probably never be made again. Thank You, Merle!

It's not what you usually picture when you think of scale models!

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