Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Yellow Jackets, Hornets, Horrors!

 I have not run into any yellow jacket or bald faced hornet nests yet this summer. Those things give me chills just thinking about them. Wildland fire fighters have a saying: "Don't piss him off!" They say that whenever a yellow jacket inspects someone. One swipe with a gloved hand in an attempt to drive it off can result in mayhem, and everybody scatters, hopefully away from a responding horde. Nasty little blighters!

Well, you don't need that much gasoline, and you don't have to light it. Wait until dark when all those nasties are in the nest, put a little gas in a bottle and stick it in their hole. Walk away. 


  1. Cool it off with a CO2 fire extinguisher to minimize any chance of activity before sticking any fuel in the nest.

  2. You do not need to light the gas! And you don’t want to. The fumes from the gas are what kills the yellow jackets. Lighting the gas can cause all kinds of problems including starting fire underground. Don’t light the gas! Also remember that most of the ground nests have a second escape hole. You need to treat both holes or suffer the consequences. Ps bald faced hornets are meaner than African bees. Wear complete bee keepers suite to even get near them! Or feel the burn! Remember if you are attacked run in a zig zag pattern to loose the hornets. If you run in a straight line they will get you.

  3. Hornets are the original terror weapon! New King James Version
    And I will send hornets before you, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite from before you.
