Monday, September 4, 2023

Our TSI (Timber Stand Improvement) Projects Are Done!

 I made fifteen excursions into Bull Springs for the thinning in that tree planting. There was a huge difference from the planting at Belle Prairie. The rows of dead ash at Bull Springs lessened the work load considerably. I made 24 forays for thinning at Belle Prairie, for about the same number of acres. I had one screwup on the final day. I took down a cypress spacer that had overtopped a walnut, and the cypress branches caught it and made the top half horizontal. I will go back in February or March and whack that walnut so it can resprout and make a good tree. I wish I had decided that before I expended a great deal of effort trying to extract it from the predicament. Oh well. I'm all done. Thanks for watching this little series. It has been fun for Susan and me sharing it with all of you.

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