Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Special Techniques?

I keep seeing keyed stumps on Facebook, supposedly to make a tree go where you want, but all of the examples I have seen have been trees with no side lean, and no rot, so I always wonder what the point of fancy cutting is. Cutting dead and rotten trees is something I have had lots of practice doing, and it always comes down to basics and following the rules. Build a good hinge, even if there is just a thin shell to work with. Support the back side of the hinge with wedges if the tree is punky or hollow. Don't fight side lean or back lean. Release it quickly and get away from the stump. Tell your co-workers what your steps are before you crank your saw. You will live long. 



  1. Any tips for rotted wolf-trees? I have a bunch of silver-maple in a swamp that are multi-trunk and hollow. I wish dynamite was an option.

  2. Joe, Silver maple really is a tough one because they spread out and will be unsound. Go one stem at a time. Sound them and see what is solid. Use bore cutting to establish a hinge and avoid barber chairs. Watch your weight and lean!

  3. Joe, PS: If any are open anywhere, you might be able to burn them down this winter when snow is on the ground. A little diesel fuel, light and walk away.
