Saturday, September 9, 2023

Weekend Steam II: Fireless Steam Locomotive, Germany

 New one for me, Merle! I wish more info was with this vid, but I can pretty well figure out how it works.

1 comment:

  1. When my wife and I had visited the Pennsylvania State Railroad Museum earlier this year I had noticed a couple of fireless engines on display.

    Visit their website.
    Scroll down to "Rolling Stock Hall" and then scroll down to "Locomotives-Steam" and pause at "Bethlehem Steel Company #111."
    Push the + sign and get more information.
    Now scroll down to the next fireless engine on display.
    "Pennsylvania Power and Light Company "D".
    Push the + sigh for more information.

    This short video talks about fireless engines.

    Some details about the Krupp engine(s).

    Other types of fireless engines ran on compressed air.
