Sunday, October 8, 2023

Be Careful At Work!

You never know what will happen next... I was reminded of a minor event when I was working in Eastern Kentucky for the Kentucky Division Of Forestry. There were a few radar huts at the office where government surplus items were stored. Things such as M65 Field Jackets and fatigue shirts. One of the things that had occurred before my time was construction to build roads to tops of mountains for fire towers.  Looking around in a radar hut, we found a couple cases of Dynamite. Old Dynamite. The kind of old Dynamite with drops of nitroglycerin all over the surface of the sticks. I did not have to be told what those drops were. We told the boss about it, and he didn't know it was there either, but he knew a guy who made his living with explosives, and he came right away. The nice man carried out the boxes very carefully and placed them in his truck.  I spoke up, already knowing the answer to my question, "Do you want these blasting caps now, too?"  "No," came the reply, "I will get those another time." Be prudent out there. Back To The Old Grind!

1 comment:

  1. If I ever run across sweating dynamite I will be putting a lot of distance between me and the dynamite.
