Sunday, October 15, 2023

Lehto's Law: Criticize Your Elected Officials, Go To Jail

 Steve Lehto has a great YouTube channel where he covers a multitude of legal issues. We subscribe to his channel and listen to him regularly. This video tells us about real hero, who was not afraid to stand up to hold the city fathers accountable for grievances, and was arrested twice. The back story behind the man being arrested during a city council meeting is in this video (CLICK).


  1. The two officers who arrest Tayvin Galanakis have filed their own lawsuit against Tayvin. They claim invasion of privacy. This follows after Tayvin posted to social media which went viral. The video is footage from the officer's own body cams.

    The two officers are also named as defendants in Tayvin's federal suit.

    We know the officer's claim is frivilous. So the suit must be retalitory in nature. Possibly it could also be intended to obstruct, or to become a chip in negotiations for settlement.

    I wonder if the city, or its insurance, or its officials as individuals have a role in paying for the officer's suit
    If so, I think that would open a whole nother can of worms.

  2. These bogus arrests and abuses won't stop until the damages are taken from the offending police and other officials rather than insurance and government coffers.
