Saturday, October 14, 2023

Weekend Steam II: Boonville Fall Show Weekend

 Someplace or Another posted this video on YouTube of the 2022 Fall Show, and it gives you a good idea of what you are missing this weekend. An engine that I wish I had gone to see is at 10:54 to 11:07. It is an upright, 2 stroke Bessemer engine, I am thinking it is a 6 horse model. It looks just like our 8 horse mailbox engine, just a bit smaller. Anyway, it is a thrill to see another one of these rare engines, even if it is not in person. Susan and I had a great time on our quick trip over and back. We visited with friends, had ice cream, and bought freshly made sorghum molasses to replenish our supply. We walked through the flea market on the way out and made some good purchases.

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