Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Rest In Peace, Otto

 Little Otto, a min pin, came to us in August 2008, after being dumped just down the road from the farm. Susan's sister took him in, but he stayed with us frequently when my sister in law and her family traveled. Otto moved in with us permanently about a year ago as his health deteriorated. His heart and kidneys were failing, and today we made that final trip to the vet with him. He went easy, and we are thankful for that. He was a good little friend.


  1. So sorry David. My boys are 13+3 and both are in failing health. Not sure if they will make it through the Winter. It is so heartbreaking.

  2. At least his later years were comfortable.

  3. Hey Booms and Merle, The old pets appreciate the care. We get up in the middle of the night for them when they need out, and we put them back to bed. They are comfortable here. It's hard on our vet, too, because so many of the old ones need her help at the end. Dying sucks.
