Friday, January 5, 2024

Anniversary Knee Checkup

 Susan had her right knee replaced one year ago and we went to Effingham yesterday for an evaluation. It's working well and looking good. Her other knee doesn't look too keen in the X-rays, but it isn't causing any trouble, so we are just going to be kind to it. Getting old isn't the same as it used to be. It is a good time to be alive. 

Knee surgery hurts much more than hip replacement. Take good care of your joints. Forget about football and running for your health. I still have good joint space at 72 because I am a lousy runner. 


  1. They are starting to talk about both hip replacement. Don't like the sound of that!

    Glad it's working out for you!

  2. It will give you back your mobility. Susan says it is not that bad, and compared to the knee, she is right. They get you up and send you home quickly, then you do the physical therapy. Susan is pleased with her joint replacements. You do need someone with you while you recover. An ice bucket with a cooling pad helps a bunch.
