I didn't make it over to the farm to check on my cats for a couple days because of the ice and snow storm. The county blacktop is a solid sheet of ice, so I did not want to take the family car, or the two-wheel drive pickup. The tractor was the solution. The gravel roads were impassable for two-wheel drive when I got off the blacktop, but the tractor handled it OK. The cats were fine. I had put out extra food and water before the storm. The road commissioner bladed my route a second time before I headed home, and it is passable now for a car. The blacktop is a mess, though. This morning I spent a few hours just down the road with a fellow who slid into the ditch. I had no traction and couldn't budge him. A bold co-worker showed up with a four-wheel drive work truck and yanked him out with a series of jerks, something that I was hesitant to do to a stranger's car. Nobody got hurt, and I doubt that the car is bent from the jerking. Nobody fell, or got hurt, and that is a blessing. Be careful out there, especially when the next blast of cold comes south!
Running into the Giraffe crew was a nice bonus of this cold ride. Those guys don't take snow days!
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