Sunday, November 30, 2008

Not My Victrola

Here is a nice fox trot courtesy of FuzzBear6240 over at YouTube. You should be able to go tripping out the door after you hear this one. I had Victrola like this one and a stack of records in 1970 in my dorm room. I had to stuff a towel in the horn because the floor monitor said it was too loud. This was back when students had humongous stereo speakers playing heavy metal.


  1. Sam, Thank you yet again for linking one of my little clips. It's very kind of you. You know when I bring this machine to my parents' home I too have to stuff the horn with a towel. My mother says it's to loud also. Maybe she and your old floor monitor were in cahoots!

    I hope you and yours and all your readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday week-end!

    Warm Regards,

  2. John: You are quite welcome, as always. I always enjoy hearing records in other collections, and you know that all of the old record fanatics covet your Orthophonic Victrola. I started this blog mainly so I could post old records on the internet, and had no idea there were other collectors who were having a good time doing the same. It is a joy. We did have a great Thanksgiving, with EJ home to visit. Check out the turkey Dear Wife prepared over at He is at the top of the link list. True Blue Sam
