Monday, December 1, 2008

Shopping Again

We spent a good bit of time car shopping on Friday and Saturday of last week. We saw this Model T truck along the road as we came home on Saturday afternoon. It is a bit better than 'barn fresh'; it will start and run. The guy told us that it needs bands in the transmission.

The ignition system has been cobbled up. The timer has been replaced by a distributor, and the coils and coil box are gone; replaced by a modern ignition coil. Model T trucks have a low speed rear end for rough service, and this one has a two speed rear end, so it will probably run as fast as a car.

I am wanting to spend a bit less time under cars, so I am passing on this beauty. Feel free to jump in and buy a project. It is located on IL Highway 15 between Keenes and Bluford. Below are more pages from Dyke's Encyclopedia. Click on each photo to enlarge, then right click and save as to keep these references in your hard drive.

Click on the T's label at the end of the post or in the label list to save all of these pages on the Model T.

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