Friday, March 26, 2010

Schedule Some Range Time For The Weekend!

This is the last weekend of the month, and that means you need to shoot your Mr. Completely March e-Postal target if you have not already done so. Click Here to download the target pdf, and to read the rules.

AND; Cheaper Than Dirt wants all of us to join in the fight against marauding Zombies, so click here to download their e-Postal target. All entrants have a chance to win a $50 gift certificate, and the contest runs until the end of November. That means you can shoot it during every range trip until you think you have maximized you score, and you will be able to track your shooting skill improvements during the year.

PLUS; Another e-Postal contest has popped up, this one from Nashville Online Handgun Postal Match. This month has a St. Patrick's Day theme, and the targets must be submitted by the end of March.

No Excuses! You know you need the practice, so load up family and friends and head to the range!

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