Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This Should Not Be Difficult

This white oak sits next to a nice home, and it is dead from the left side of the picture all the way to the sounding axe. The bark is about ready to fall off, but the tree still leafs out, so the landowner was reluctant to make a decision to take the tree down. This is a fairly common problem with homeowners who do not want to give up a tree that they treasure. I once had a lady ask me to identify only her trees which were the "Most Dead" because she couldn't stand to have them cut down.
Out behind the house this dead hickory (and a black oak snag) stand directly over a swing set that the homowner's grandchildren play on. I finally convinced the man that these two had to go to keep his grandkids safe, and then he decided that he would get rid of the white oak threatening his house, too.

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