Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Try To Control Your Excitement

Spring tree planting season can run from February clear to July in Southern Illinois. The field being planted in this video was underwater until June last year, and success is not guaranteed when the trees go in the ground on a site like this one. The soil here has a high clay content, and it is chunking some as the planter runs, leaving air gaps in the top of the planting slit. We need dry weather to finish the job, but we want rain right away when we are done to seal the trees in. We have seen flooding do an excellent job of sealing the planting slit, too, in years past. This project is 165 acres, so it will take about ten days to complete; we probably will have a rain delay before it's done, and that will be okay. I had a nice comment on YouTube after I posted this video. I was surprised, because I figured watching a tree planter would seem about as exciting as watching paint dry for most people. We'll see if we can post something a little more dramatic tomorrow.

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