Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Much Better Now

Regular readers may remember Toopee, the little twelve year old terrier we took in last winter after his owner passed away. Toopee had his problems. When we picked him up he had fleas, mange, hookworms, and worst of all, heartworms. The heartworms were the vexing problem; killing them without killing the dog is not a sure thing. Do you treat them, and maybe kill the dog with the treatment, or leave them alone, knowing that the worms will kill him? We had him treated, (A long process) and now Toopee has a clean bill of health. Not too bad for a dog that is 85 in people years.


  1. Looks happy, too! I know how it is to deal with seemingly never ending doggie health issues. Glad to see he's got a home and is well.

  2. He is a very happy little guy. His greatest personal challenge has been adjusting to our cats. Spike runs alongside him on walks and rubs on him constantly. Toop didn't like that at first and would nip at this bruiser cat, who set him straight in short order. Black Bart, another bruiser sleeps with Toop, and won't take NO for an answer.
