Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ruger Is Going To The Rendezvous!

Mr. Completely has broken the news, and it's big! Ruger Firearms is sending a representative to Reno, all the way from Enfield, Connecticut. Lori Petoske, Ruger's Marketing Communications Manager will be at the fifth annual Gun Blogger Rendezvous. This is a fantastic opportunity for all firearms entusiasts, whether you blog or not, to find out the latest news from a major firearm manufacturer, and maybe send a wish list to the corporate offices of guns you wish Ruger would build.

Travelling with firearms by air or land may inhibit some from attending the Rendezvous, but it is actually quite easy to take firearms along on a trip. When you check firearms with an airline, you get shunted to the short line to have your luggage checked, and you get to really lock your gun cases so they are secure, instead of using those TSA locks. Ruger pistol boxes can be converted easily into suitable, locking cases for airline travel. Drill two holes, and use two long shackled padlocks to satisfy the TSA inspectors. A short stack of washers will take up the slack between the case and the padlock. The washers can be epoxied together so they don't scatter when you open the case for the TSA inspector.

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