Monday, September 12, 2016

Big Foot

We did the FFA Forestry Contest at Sam Dale Lake today.  Most of the students were prepared and at least looked like they had practiced the various tasks a bit. A few weren't prepared, but that's normal.  I saw one boy on the compass and pacing course walking heel-to-toe to measure between stakes, so I paced the same leg and came up behind him.  I asked to see his number, and he had 112 feet.  I had paced 120, and a check on the numbers showed that it measured 122.  He was 120 inches short in 112 steps, so he has feet that are a bit more than an inch over a foot long. He could have come closer trying to take three foot steps like some of the other students do.   I explained pacing to him and told him to walk normally and count each pace (two steps) as five feet.  He should have come closer on the rest of the legs.


Merle said...

OH, I thought you had a Sasquatch encounter.... :)


David aka True Blue Sam said...

Well, he was a good bit bigger than me...