Saturday, February 28, 2015
Not My Victrola
Here's an old favorite of mine; Georgette. I know this song from an Edison disc long ago, but this copy is new to me. It's a dance record performed by Ted Lewis and his band. I wish they at least did the vocal chorus, but it is still a great old record.
Shared on YouTube by RPMMan Toledo Ohio.
Shared on YouTube by RPMMan Toledo Ohio.
Do A Good Deed For FFA!
Culver's has posted a YouTube video to benefit FFA, and they will donate $1.00 for every view it gets, up to $50,000! You can be a Good-Deed-Doer, just by clicking the Play button!
Susan and I have worked with FFA teachers and students for many years, and we can tell you that FFA is worthy of your support. FFA teachers prepare kids to go out and be successful in the world, so take a minute and watch this video.
Susan and I have worked with FFA teachers and students for many years, and we can tell you that FFA is worthy of your support. FFA teachers prepare kids to go out and be successful in the world, so take a minute and watch this video.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Mexicans, Mausers, Machine Guns, a Howitzer, even! Plus Indians with Winchesters, James Brown, Burt Reynolds, Raquel Welch, and Steam!
You can click this video over to YouTube and find the entire movie, all the way back from 1969.
You can click this video over to YouTube and find the entire movie, all the way back from 1969.
Crankin' It Up With Our Old Buddy Brat
Art Gillham, The Whispering Pianist performed this delightful number on October 24, 1925. Brat heartily approves!
Thursday, February 26, 2015
The Mr. Completely e-Postal Matches For 2015 Have Begun!
Click Over to Mr. Completely's blog to download your target for March, 2015. Read the rules, formulate your strategy, and pack your range bag! This match could easily throw you into negative scores, so you will have to control your breathing, knuckle down and squeeeeeeze those shots off.
This contest favors small calibers. Any hits on the lines score as negative points, so you might want to spend some time shooting sighters before you shoot for score.
Many Thanks, Mike, for posting this and continuing the tradition.
2015 Mr. Completely e-Postal Schedule:
March: Mr. Completely
April: Conservative UAW Guy
May: Smallest Conservative
June: Engineering Johnson
July: Billll's Idle Mind
August: Merle (On True Blue Sam)
September: True Blue Sam
October: Mrs. True Blue Sam
November: Sand Castle Scrolls
This contest favors small calibers. Any hits on the lines score as negative points, so you might want to spend some time shooting sighters before you shoot for score.
Many Thanks, Mike, for posting this and continuing the tradition.
2015 Mr. Completely e-Postal Schedule:
March: Mr. Completely
April: Conservative UAW Guy
May: Smallest Conservative
June: Engineering Johnson
July: Billll's Idle Mind
August: Merle (On True Blue Sam)
September: True Blue Sam
October: Mrs. True Blue Sam
November: Sand Castle Scrolls
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Here's Some Very Interesting Info, Courtesy Of Ralfy...
It's a good thing for me that I don't live down the road from a distillery. I think I would be filling the cellar.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Ruger's Auction To Benefit Honored American Veterans Afield
Ruger's auction this week is an over-under shotgun made in 1987. It was sold and then returned to the factory. Take a look at the photos on Ruger's website and you will see that this shotgun has some very nicely figured wood. 100% of the proceeds of this auction will benefit Honored American Veterans Afield. This beautiful shotgun will sell mid-day, Wednesday, February 25, 2015.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Get Off To A Smooth Start
Back To The Old Grind!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Crankin' It Up: Remembering A Friend From Long Ago
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere, Okeh record, 1918
Friday, February 20, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Still Standing...
The old chimney is still standing, but I don't know how. I figured the snow, ice, and wind we just had should have dislodged the remaining bricks propping it up, but today it is still there. Merle had predicted it would fall in January, so No Souvenir Brick for you, Merle!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Winter Won't Last Forever
February is supposed to thaw a little every day, but that's not happening this year. Last year we didn't have a January thaw, and I've never heard of that happening before. But, the end is in sight! Our friend Gary will be hosting his crank-up in March, and the thought of it is helping to drive away our winter doldrums. This year he will have the 5 HP Falk and this 9 HP Economy running, and we plan to shoot some new video. We are anxious to see the overhauled Bessemer cylinder/piston assembly. It's hard to believe now that we dragged all this iron with us from Eastern Kentucky.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Ruger's Auction To Benefit The Youth Shooting Sports Alliance
Ruger's auction this week is a good one. It's a Number 3 Carbine in .45-70, made early in the first year of production; 1973. The barrel is not drilled and tapped for scope mounts as later production guns were, and the butt plate is aluminum. The butt plate was soon changed to plastic. 100% of the proceeds will go to benefit the Youth Shooting Sports Alliance, and you can place your bid HERE. This fine, rare rifle will sell mid-day, Wednesday, February 18, 2015.
Second Amendment Rights,
Monday, February 16, 2015
Tuesday Turbo Boost
The postmen had Monday off, so everybody should get twice the mail Tuesday...
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Round and Round It Goes
Back To The Old Grind!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Quick Turnaround
Round trips for firewood are easy with the RTV. We loaded a cart behind the tractor for years, and then unloaded by hand before splitting and stacking. Now, when wood needs to be split, we take it out of the bed to the splitter without needing to bend over and lift. The wood all will be stacked after we are done hauling it from our timber.
Hot Tip For Cold Weather Gear
Check out this little piece of wildland firefighter gear if you have to be out in the cold weather we are having right now. I wear mine whenever I'm out in the woods, and it keeps me toasty.
You can get your very own from Ben Meadows. It's good for fire or frost, and you can keep it with you in your coat pocket for those cold days.
You can get your very own from Ben Meadows. It's good for fire or frost, and you can keep it with you in your coat pocket for those cold days.
Post-Valentine Not My Victrola
Valentine Week Celebration! The Last One, I Promise!
Friday, February 13, 2015
Weekend Steam: Nice Stack Talk From A Stanley
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Mt. Vernon Herb and Garden Show; This Weekend!
The 27th annual Herb and Garden Show is February 13, 14, and 15 at Times Square Mall, at Broadway and 42nd Street, Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Attend classes about lilys, herbal remedies, orchids, birdhouses, beekeeping, foot care, bats, roses, herbal seasonings, and more!
We always check out the orchids, and we usually bring home a new one.
The handmade knives are always a joy to look at, and some of them follow us home, too.
Check it out at
We picked up a stack of century-old records from one of the vendors a couple years ago, and they were a huge hit with our old record fan in the UK, and maybe one or two other people. Anyhow, it's a large time. If you are in the neighborhood, you should attend.
We always check out the orchids, and we usually bring home a new one.
The handmade knives are always a joy to look at, and some of them follow us home, too.
Check it out at
We picked up a stack of century-old records from one of the vendors a couple years ago, and they were a huge hit with our old record fan in the UK, and maybe one or two other people. Anyhow, it's a large time. If you are in the neighborhood, you should attend.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Long Tall Sally: Dropping A Long Lodged Leaner
Here is a fun one, that seemed to go on forever. This method is good for a couple reasons. The tree comes straight down every time, so it takes a lot of cuts before it becomes vertical. Hinging the cuts would move the butt over every time, and you end up with a vertical tree with too much height; a difficult and possibly dangerous situation. The other thing this method does is, it plants the tree in the ground every cut, so it is relatively stable. The bonus is you end up with a work of art when it's all done.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Ruger's Auction To Benefit The Youth Shooting Sports Alliance
Ruger's auction this week doesn't leave any hope for most of us, but it's a fun gun to look at. This is evidently a prototype of the Government Model MkII. There are a few differences from the production model for the U.S.Army.
You can read all about it at THIS LINK, and place a bid if you are up to it. I won't be running you up! This fine, rare Ruger will sell mid-day, Wednesday, February 11, 2015. 100% of the proceeds will go to benefit the Youth Shooting Sports Alliance.
$2825???, Yes, $2825!!!
You can read all about it at THIS LINK, and place a bid if you are up to it. I won't be running you up! This fine, rare Ruger will sell mid-day, Wednesday, February 11, 2015. 100% of the proceeds will go to benefit the Youth Shooting Sports Alliance.
$2825???, Yes, $2825!!!
Valentine Week Celebration!
Oops, just a minor setback! Here are a couple of good candidates for Valentine's Day. You take your pick!
Monday, February 9, 2015
Scooting Along
The Garden Scoot made its first trip out into the garden Saturday, and Pattie liked it just fine. She was able to help Susan with cleanup, and scooted where she needed to go. They cleaned up the edges, and then we burned off the trash. The Scoot came back inside and resides by the fireplace.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Sweets To The Sweet!
Back To The Old Grind!
(Grinding cacao beans)
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Not My Victrola: Kicking Off An All-Week Valentine Love Festival!
In addition to all the everyday high quality entertainment on True Blue Sam, we will be posting songs all week to celebrate Valentine's Day. Here is one of my all time favorites to kick things off.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Weekend Steam: Frick Pulls The Sled
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Where Is My Wandering Zero Tonight?
Normally when you see a target like this you would think that the shooter was all over the place. In this case, Susan was shooting, and because of her rifle training through Project Appleseed, she is able to call every shot, even when shooting rapid-fire at Pistol League. I was standing next to her and watched up close, and she was shooting well. She knew where her red dot was when the trigger broke, and the shots were often going wild. I checked the scope and mount, and they were both tight, so I went to the bench behind the barn and shot very carefully at fifty feet.
The shots went to the dot some of the time. They often went right, left, up, and occasionally down. I pulled the little red-dot scope off and mounted a different one we had in reserve. with two, three shot groups it was nearly centered, after the third group it needed one more click, and then it was close enough.
There are many lessons a person can take away from this. Optics allow a person with poor eyesight to shoot well; something that we all begin to appreciate as we age. Training and regular practice improve your skills, and those shooting skills can be used in multiple ways. Susan's rifle training is making her recreation time with her pistol a positive experience, and she will be wicked on the steel plates next summer.
You would be hard-pressed to find better shooting lessons than those provided by Project Applseed. Click that link to read all about it and to find a session in your neighborhood. For a special treat, attend a class offered Patriots' Day weekend this year and you will get a special patch commemorating the 240th anniversary of the Shot Heard 'round The World.
Project Appleseed,
Second Amendment Rights,
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Ruger's Auction To Benefit The Youth Shooting Sports Alliance
You just might be able to pull off a winning bid on this week's auction from Ruger! This time they are offering a P85™ De-Cocker in 9mm, from way back in 1990, and it is New-In-The-Box!
Click Here to read all about it and to place a bid. This great, vintage pistol will sell mid-day, Wednesday, February 4, 2015.
Click Here to read all about it and to place a bid. This great, vintage pistol will sell mid-day, Wednesday, February 4, 2015.
Today In History: 150th Anniversary (A re-post from 2008)

This is an important day in our family. February 3 is the anniversary of the day our ancestor William Tweed was wounded in the battle at River's Bridge on the Salkehatchie River in Sherman’s Carolina campaign. We have found a couple of accounts of this battle by officers of my grandfather’s regiment which help us appreciate the toughness of the men of that generation.

The next excerpts are from Captain Wilson’s account in ‘Memoirs of the War’, Copyright 1893, by Capt. Ephraim A. Wilson. In letters written from Officers’ Hospital, Beaufort, South Carolina, on Feb. 7, 1865, Captain Wilson tells us details of the battle, being wounded, and the ordeal of being evacuated from the swamps. “Well, to make a long story short, the Johnies, on the evening of the 3rd of February, shot me through the left shoulder….The ball-a minie- entered my left shoulder close to my neck, passed down through the shoulder, lodging just under the skin on my back, where the surgeon cut it out on the morning of the 4th. A Lieutenant of the 32nd Wisconsin and myself were fortunate enough to be brought back by an ambulance, but the other poor fellows, to the number of ninety or one hundred, wounded at the same time and place were placed in common army wagons as the best thing that could be done, and sent back in that way. The roads over which we had to ride were mostly of corduroy and terribly rough, and we all suffered from jolting…We were three days in making the trip…” And in a second letter, details of his ordeal in the fight..” I was wounded at a place called River’s Bridge...where we were forcing the rebels out of a position they had taken up on the opposite side of the stream…On the opposite side they were strongly intrenched. In order to effect a crossing of the stream we were obliged to fall trees across. My company was the first to cross. As soon as the tree was cut I sprang upon it and crossed and ordered the men to follow. In a moment our whole Company were safely over, and in another they were deployed as skirmishers and were engaging the enemy fiercely. While we were crossing, grape and canister, small shot and minie balls flew thick and fast, but no one up to this time had been hit. I had only fairly got my Company deployed and nicely to work, when bang! I got it in the neck, and fell to my knees in water to my waist. I quickly pulled myself to my feet and took a hurried inventory of the damage done me. The blood was gushing out of my wound in great streams and running into my boots. Knowing that I could not stand this loss of blood very much longer, I sent word of my mishap along the line to the Orderly who was on the right, requesting him to come and take command. On his arrival I wished the boys God-speed and safety, and tottered back to the log over which we had just crossed and struck out for the shore. The balls were flying thick and fast, and if I had been so unfortunate as to be hit again by the enemy, or had fallen off the log in that deep river it would have been all day with me, as I was so crippled in my arms I could not swim. From the river I moved back to where the Regimental Surgeon was stationed and he staunched the flow of blood, then waded back three miles to the field hospital, in water from knee deep up to the waist….We arrived at the hospital just before dark, and the surgeons were as busy as they could be, taking care of those who were dangerously wounded…..They wanted to give me an anaesthetic, but I said, “Go ahead, I can stand it.” And so I did, but it hurt me frightfully, just the same, to have that great scraggly minie ball cut out of my back.”

William Tweed; Wounded in the right shoulder in the Battle at River's Bridge
In a letter to the Oquawka Spectator, William Tweed complained of the care he and other wounded soldiers received in the hospital in Beaufort. He related that the army doctors were keeping all of the whiskey for themselves and were not dispensing it to the sick and wounded. It may seem a bit funny now, but whiskey would have been one of the few methods of gaining relief in 1865. If you look closely at the photo of William, you can see that his shell jacket has a shoulder that has been stitched. This is the jacket he was wearing when he was wounded at River's Bridge.
We made a family trip to the battleground several years ago. The Mrs and I are pictured here, next to the Salkehatchie. In the next photo, you can see some of the Confederate breastworks.
In a letter to the Oquawka Spectator, William Tweed complained of the care he and other wounded soldiers received in the hospital in Beaufort. He related that the army doctors were keeping all of the whiskey for themselves and were not dispensing it to the sick and wounded. It may seem a bit funny now, but whiskey would have been one of the few methods of gaining relief in 1865. If you look closely at the photo of William, you can see that his shell jacket has a shoulder that has been stitched. This is the jacket he was wearing when he was wounded at River's Bridge.
We made a family trip to the battleground several years ago. The Mrs and I are pictured here, next to the Salkehatchie. In the next photo, you can see some of the Confederate breastworks.

Monday, February 2, 2015
Tuesday Turbo Boost (56 Years)
Cultural reference for youngsters.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
What Day Is It???
Oh Yeah, Ground Hog Day!!!
Back To The Old Grind!
Back To The Old Grind!
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