Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Blowin' Chunks
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
One For Fun
Monday, June 28, 2010
Painful Progress
Sunday, June 27, 2010
73 Days And Counting Down...
Not My Victrola
EdmundusRex posted this lively little dance number. Open another tab for your web-surfing so you can listen a few times; it's a toe-tapper.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Weekend Steam
From pikespeaklibrary, on YouTube.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Crankin' It Up
"Some Sweet Someone" was recorded by The High Hatters on September 19, 1928, and is on the flip side of last week's Crank Up, "I Wanna Be Loved By You." The vocal refrain is by Sam Coslow, and there is quite a bit of information on Mr. Coslow on the internet. He was a prolific songwriter, and it made my day to learn that he penned "My Old Flame," and "Cocktails For Two." Makes me want to get out some of my old Spike Jones records.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Always Something

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
It's A Dandy!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Gratuitous Hazard Tree Evaluation

Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Don't Start Monday Without It!
Not My Victrola; Poor Papa
I hope your father is doing a little better than Poor Papa. EdmundusRex posted this amusing recording by Whispering Jack Smith from 1926.
Get Out And Shoot Today!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Weekend Steam
Bidone1967's comments: Im Mai fand das 125 jährige Dampfbahn Jubiläum der Döllnitzbahn statt.Zu dieser tollen Veranstaltung kam auch die I K 54 und fuhr im Pendelverkahr zwischen Mügeln un Glossen.Hier der erste Teil meines Filmes über die IK 54.
Parts 1 and 2 of videos about the I K 54 narrow gauge steam locomotive, by Bidone1967.
Im Mai fand das 125 jährige Dampfbahn Jubiläum der Döllnitzbahn statt.Zu dieser tollen Veranstaltung kam auch die I K 54 und fuhr im Pendelverkahr zwischen Mügeln un Glossen.Hier der zweite Teil meines Filmes über die IK 54.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Crankin' It Up
This Victor Orthophonic record was cut on September 19,1928 by the High Hatters, with the vocal refrain by Sam Coslow. It is a lively little Fox-Trot, so you all can get a little exercise as you listen to this one. This song is best known as performed by Helen Kane (The Boop,Boop,A-Doop Girl), so I selected it just because it is unusual to hear a man singing it.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
How It's Done

You have to go where the engines are. Mrs. TBS caught this Model T racer parked in the shade, and it is much more photogenic here than it would have been in the car barn. When you go to an engine show you have to keep your camera with you, and have extra batteries and SD cards handy so you don't lose the good shots when you see them.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Eighty Four Days and Counting....

...until the Gun Blogger Rendezvous in Reno. Click over to Mr. Completely's GBR site to get all the details, and to register. You do not have to be a blogger to attend! If you enjoy shooting, and visiting with other folks who enjoy firearm related topics and activities, you need to go!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sentimental Journey Visits Mt. Vernon, IL

Monday, June 14, 2010
Wonderful Things!

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Not Monday Again!!!
Back To The Old Grind!
Not My Victrola
BSGS 98 has posted another delightful song performed by Aileen Stanley, and it has a very nice slide show to go with it. "All By Myself" was composed by Irving Berlin, and Miss Stanley recorded it on the Victor label on May 16, 1921.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Prepare To Be Inspired!
Weekend Steam: Places To Go
The Mrs. and I are making a quick trip over to the Southern Indiana Antique Machinery show on Saturday to look at cars, tractors, gas engines, fleas, and Andy Glines' Huber return flue engine. Find a show in your neighborhood by looking at the show directory on the left side of this page.
Here are some good possibilites for this weekend:
Blue Ridge Antique Power Assn. 23rd Annual Tractor and Gas Engine Show
Show runs from 06/09/10 to 06/12/10 Weyers Cave, VA
19th Annual Antique Farm Power Club Antique Tractor and Engine Show
Show runs from 06/10/10 to 06/12/10Fruitport, MI
Blue River Valley Antique Power Assn. 27th Anniversary Celebration
Show runs from 06/11/10 to 06/12/10Shelbyville, IN
Southern Indiana's Antique and Machinery Club Classic Iron Show
Show runs from 06/11/10 to 06/13/10Evansville, IN
Rough and Tumble Engineers Historical Assn. Blacksmith Days
Show runs from 06/11/10 to 06/12/10Kinzers, PA
Marshall-Putnam Antique Assn. 23rd Annual Antique Tractor and Engine Show
Show runs from 06/12/10 to 06/13/10Lacon, IL
27th Annual Black Swamp Steam and Gas Show
Show runs from 06/13/10 to 06/14/10Defiance, OH
Friday, June 11, 2010
Crankin' It Up
Here is the flip side of last week's Crank Up; Arnold Johnson and his Orchestra perform 'Kiss Me' on Brunswick disc 2411-A, recorded on February 27, 1923.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sweet John Deere Music
This John Deere G served as one of the transports at a forestry field day event last fall in Pope County, Illinois. Hearing the G pull the hill with a load was a real treat. One of the little known dangers of sitting on bales is a little critter known as the straw mite. I picked up a load of them at a similar event a few years ago, and the bales on these wagons created more than a little worry in my mind, so I sprayed down with plenty of Deet before I took a seat. Thank goodness I didn't pick up any mites on this trip. The danger is greater with old bales that have been in storage for a few years, and if straw mites ever get you once you will never think of hay rides in a positive way again.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Time On Your Hands?

A Wee Bit of Canada

I always enjoy stumbling upon boulders like this one. Southern Illinois was glaciated during the Illinoian glacial period, about 310,000 to 128,000 years ago. The Illinoian glacier extended south to the Shawnee Hills, and the change in landscape there is quite dramatic. The more recent Wisconsin glacier occurred between 24,000 and 11,000 years ago, and its southern reach is approximately around Effingham. The soils in Southern Illinois are a mix of Illinoian glacial till, with loess overlying that, mostly from the Wisconsin glacier. There are also big areas of glacial lakebed filled with fine sediments from glacial outwash. Granite boulders like the one above were left here at least 128,000 years ago, and they come in all sizes. Once I found a beautiful quartzite boulder that I would have liked to carry home, but it was at least a couple hundred pounds, and it was about a mile from my truck. Oh Well. I guess if they have been resting comfortably for 128,000 years I should just leave them be.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
More Shooting Tips From Ruger Firearms
Do basic instructions really work? We had a first time shooter visit recently, and I spent quite a bit of time prepping him before he shot my .22 Ruger Single Six. He shot the May e-Postal contest with us and beat me with my own gun. I better watch this one a couple times.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Yesterday On Blogger....
Blogger was unavailble for posting last night, so I hope all of you survived OK without your Monday Morning Grinder. I tried, but it kind of went like the video.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Not My Victrola Twofer
One of my all time favorite songs, presented on an Edison Diamond Disc, and a player piano.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Weekend Steam: Show Time!