Friday, September 30, 2011
Crankin' It Up: A New One For You This Friday!
We got home kind of late, but we wound up the old phonograph and have Isham Jones uploaded to YouTube before bedtime. "Away Down South" was recorded in August, 1922.
Crankin' It Up: A Re-Post
I couldn't get to the old Brunswick Thursday night, so I picked out a record we posted two years ago. The title reminds me that the fall Boonville show will be coming up soon; October 14-16.
If I can work in some time with my old phonograph on Friday, you all will get a bonus record this week.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Shop At Woorich Elite; Support Project Valour-IT!
Jerry Rinder, Vice President of Woolrich Elite, announced to all the Gun Blogger Rendezvous attendees that Woolrich will be donating 2% of all sales through one of their dealers to Project Valour-IT for the next six months. You can help keep wounded soldiers connected to their loved ones by Shopping At This Link.
Project Valour-IT is one of Soldiers' Angels' projects, and it provides voice activated laptops to wounded warriors so they can stay in touch with family and friends.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Here's A Little Change Of Pace
One of the gas engine displays at Pinckneyville last month was a group of engines for sale. This military surplus engine appeared to be new-old-stock, and the flat-four design gave it a really sweet sound when revved up. I'm guessing that it could have been built for use in generators and other stationary uses. The tag lists Teledyne as the maker.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Spike Update
We last visited Spike three years ago as I was attempting to tame him down. He is a very much a one person cat, and most nights I can coax him into the garage (safe from coyotes) by calling out "Tuna Treats!" He still won't let me pet him outside for some reason, but once he is locked in safely he usually will let me pick him up and pet him.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Weekend Steam: Forest City
Old Farm Show has posted several videos lately of Midwest steam shows. These are from the show at Forest City, Iowa: you can see all of them HERE.
Barb: I think the old Hart Parr in the second vid has the correct colors for an early one.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Get Out And Shoot!
This is the last weekend to shoot the September Mr. Completely e-Postal contest, so CLICK HERE to print the target, and read the rules. Print plenty, and take family and friends to range. This contest is designed to be fun, and even a novice can score, and experienced shooters may score high...maybe.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Automation Is Incredible!
We saw this dandy gadget at Pinckneyville.
Down On The Farm,
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Flinders, Smithereens, and Etc.
This is all that's left of a power pole a half mile south of our house. The surge protector in our battery backup was fried, but the modem and 'puter are good. Lightning's kinda scary.
Monday, September 19, 2011
A Bad Way To Die
Way back when I was in junior high school, one of my buddies told me about a horrible accident that his grandfather had witnessed while working on a threshing crew. The threshing machine was an old model, covered with wood rather than sheet metal like the newer models, and a fellow was up on top of the machine for some reason; directly above the spinning cylinder that knocks the wheat out of the hulls and off the stalk. The wood that the fellow was standing on failed, and he dropped right into the machine onto the cylinder. If you take even a casual look at the thresher cylinder in the photo, you can see the result wasn't pretty. My friend's grandfather told him that you could literally see the blood drain out of the man's face.
The reason I bring up this unpleasant tale is that lots of people still run these old machines, and the old-timers aren't around anymore to pass on the knowledge they picked up the hard way. When you see someone in a potentially dangerous situation around old machinery, for Heaven's sake, speak up. You might save someone's life. Scroll the slider over to 2:45 on the video below, and note the fellow on top of the thresher. I bet he isn't even thinking about the spinning teeth just inches below his feet.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Not My Victrola: This Could Have Been One Of My Roommates...
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Sig Sauer, Soldiers' Angels Supporter!
Sig Sauer, one of the many generous supporters of Soldiers' Angels, has donated a very special 1911 to be auctioned on GunBroker. This two-toned pistol is engraved with the Soldiers' Angels logo and brand, and 100% of the proceeds go to Project Valour-IT.
Click over to this GunBroker link to bid on this beauty. The auction will end 9 PM Eastern Time, October 23, 2011. More info here.
Click over to this GunBroker link to bid on this beauty. The auction will end 9 PM Eastern Time, October 23, 2011. More info here.
Gun Blogger Rendezvous,
Project Valour-IT
Weekend Steam: Firebox Fundamentals
I'll have a nice load of ash, with some hickory sprinkled in for a little oomph, and a garnish of walnut on top, just to let the old girl know she's special.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Crankin' It Up
Ross' Juba, a minstrel show tune by the early Twentieth Century musician, Eddie Ross. Everyone should be issued a banjo when they are born.
AND A BONUS! There was a very deep earthquake today in the Fiji Isles, and that reminded me of this gem that we first posted in 2008.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Like Wearing The Cone Of Silence
Charles Ricci and Gary Lemanski of Pro-Ears spent Thursday through Saturday at the Rendezvous, and surprised us by giving every registered attendee a set of Pro-Ears Ultra 33 Passive Ear Muffs. The noise reduction with these muffs is simply amazing, and the soft leather ear cushions are comfortable to wear all day long. Pro-Ears products are truly top-of-the-line.
Charles and Gary also brought Pro Tac Gold electronic muffs for the gun bloggers to try. These are the muffs to buy if you are serious about shooting and spend a lot of time at the range.
Zeke tried out both models, and he is thinking seriously about ordering a set of custom fitted electronic muffs to use in his noisy work environment. Check out the Pro-Ears website. Pro-Ears products are American made, in Traverse City, Michigan.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Just to Cap Things Off
Sunday, September 11, 2011
And The Winner Is...

The entire crowd waited with bated breath to see who would be the winner of Bea's revolver...
It was Millisecond Molly!!!
Congratulations Molly, and Huge thanks to Ruger for your support!
More news will follow in the days to come!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Way Back In B.P.
That's Before Pickups. Folks are always looking for something to lean on while they visit about work and play, and if you don't have a pickup truck to lean on, the coal bunker on a steamer will do just fine.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Crankin' It Up
Ross' Double Shuffle, by "Black Face" Eddie Ross was recorded on July 3, 1922. The era of the Minstrel Show was over, and this record is a precious glimpse into the tent of a traveling show. Next week the flip side, if I don't get too much hate mail over this.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Marmon V-16! Seen at Pinckneyville
This Marmon falls into the category of "That's not a car; THIS is a car!" This is the first Marmon car that I have seen, although I had heard of them.
The distributor looks almost as big as the air cleaner.
A wiring diagram would be helpful, wouldn't it? I used to pull all the wires on a V-8, just because I could, if someone was watching me change plugs and the distributor cap, but I wouldn''t be that bold on this baby.
The distributor looks almost as big as the air cleaner.
A wiring diagram would be helpful, wouldn't it? I used to pull all the wires on a V-8, just because I could, if someone was watching me change plugs and the distributor cap, but I wouldn''t be that bold on this baby.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Hart Parr
This Hart Parr tractor is a rare old beast. Most of them were used up doing what they were built to do, and ones that weren't in use were recycled during the two World Wars. This is the first one that I have seen in the flesh, and running. It was a rare treat.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Otis Technologies: Another Generous Rendezvous Supporter
From Mr. Completely:
Otis Technologies, maker of some very fine cleaning kits, will be sponsoring the Saturday breakfast at the Gun Blogger Rendezvous. In addition, they will also be contributing one of their Elite Cleaning Kits to the Project Valour-IT Fund Raising Raffle at the Rendezvous.
Otis Technologies, maker of some very fine cleaning kits, will be sponsoring the Saturday breakfast at the Gun Blogger Rendezvous. In addition, they will also be contributing one of their Elite Cleaning Kits to the Project Valour-IT Fund Raising Raffle at the Rendezvous.
The most innovative gun cleaning system in the Otis line of products is the Otis Elite®.
Suitable for an armorer but used by thousands, the Otis Elite® is designed to maintain all rifles .17 to .50 caliber, pistols .17 to .50 caliber, shotguns .410 to 12/10 gauge, and all in-line muzzleloaders. The Otis Elite® contains the world famous item #750 Tactical Cleaning System, and the entire line of bronze bore and chamber cleaning brushes from .17 caliber through 12/10 gauge.
Also included in this extensive cleaning system are six Memory-Flex® cleaning rods, an all purpose nylon receiver brush, a T-handle bar, three slotted tips, obstruction removers, small and large Patch Savers®, a bore reflector/flag safety, small caliber and all-caliber 100% cotton patches, and two .5 oz. tubes of Otis O85® Ultra Bore® Solvent.
All of the components are neatly stored in a black nylon, rust proof case which includes a lock and keys for additional security. The Otis Elite® now includes the brass scraper tool set, optics cleaning gear and an interactive instructional DVD. With over 40 gun cleaning components, detailed gun maintenance guide, and a lifetime warranty, the Otis Elite® is the Hallmark of Excellence in firearm maintenance.
You are coming to Reno, aren't you? The Rendezvous begins Thursday. If you haven't registered in advance, I bet that Mr. C will sign you up when you walk in the door. It's all for a good cause, and you will have the time of your life.
Monday, September 5, 2011
After Thirty-Five, Every Day Is The Best Day Of Your Life!
Today is a big birthday, for me, and even though it isn't sixty-five (as in the poem), that one isn't very many years away. Big birthdays bring to mind this Robert Service poem that closes out his book, Barroom Ballads, and if I am still blogging in five years, I will post it again, just because I feel like indulging myself a bit on my birthday.
Once more my sheaf of songs I tie,
And bid them gleefully good-bye,
And feel it will not give me pain,
To never look on them again.
With metronomic measure I
Have beat them out beneath the sky.
And though my facile rhyme I curse,
Sometimes I think they might be worse;
But anyhow, as in the past,
I vow that they will be my last.
And bid them gleefully good-bye,
And feel it will not give me pain,
To never look on them again.
With metronomic measure I
Have beat them out beneath the sky.
And though my facile rhyme I curse,
Sometimes I think they might be worse;
But anyhow, as in the past,
I vow that they will be my last.
For I have come to sixty-five,
Content to feel so much alive;
And though grey-haired, I grieve to state
An unrepentant reprobate;
Admiring lads who wench and wine,
But forced, alas! to toe the line;
For I have learnt a thing or two,
As we old coves are bound to do.
Content to feel so much alive;
And though grey-haired, I grieve to state
An unrepentant reprobate;
Admiring lads who wench and wine,
But forced, alas! to toe the line;
For I have learnt a thing or two,
As we old coves are bound to do.
I've come to know that storing health
Is better far than storing wealth;
That smug success has little worth
Beside the simple joys of earth;
That fame is but a bubble brief,
And glory vain beyond belief;
That it is good to eat and drink;
That it is bad to over-think;
That only stupid people claim
to take themselves with serious aim;
That laughter is our God's best gift -
So to God our laughter lift;
Aye, though his wrath the Heavens split,
He grants us Scorn, to laugh at it.
Is better far than storing wealth;
That smug success has little worth
Beside the simple joys of earth;
That fame is but a bubble brief,
And glory vain beyond belief;
That it is good to eat and drink;
That it is bad to over-think;
That only stupid people claim
to take themselves with serious aim;
That laughter is our God's best gift -
So to God our laughter lift;
Aye, though his wrath the Heavens split,
He grants us Scorn, to laugh at it.
And so, frail creatures of a day,
Let's have a good time while we may,
And do the very best we can
To give one to our fellow man;
Knowing that all will end with Death,
Let's joy with every moment's breath;
And lift our heads like blossoms blithe
To meet at last the Swinging Scythe.
Let's have a good time while we may,
And do the very best we can
To give one to our fellow man;
Knowing that all will end with Death,
Let's joy with every moment's breath;
And lift our heads like blossoms blithe
To meet at last the Swinging Scythe.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Someone's Going To Have A Happy Monday!
Back To The Old Grind!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Weekend Steam
People are always drawn to a steam engine pulling a load, even if the load is only a Baker Fan. The Baker Fan is a bit like a jump rope; it works you hard, but you don't accomplish anything other than working up a sweat. It's mighty fine stack music, though.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Crankin' It Up
Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra recorded Valencia (A Song of Spain) on March 30, 1926.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
August e-Postal Contest Extended Through Labor Day!
Danno has announced an extended season for the Top-Shot August e-Postal contest. Click Over for the target and rules, and take friends and family shooting this weekend. Every entry in Danno's contest gives you a chance at swag provided by the nice folks at the History Channel and the Top Shot program; the September contest will give you fantastic bragging rights. Bea shot her targets between trips to the hospital for surgeries, so I don't want to hear any excuses! Start Clicking!
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