Thursday, April 26, 2018

Kudos To Hi-Point!

Just how good is the lifetime warranty on Hi-Point firearms?  Cody Anderson, of Southern Illinois can tell you about it.  His home was destroyed by a tornado in early April (Link To WSILTV3 report).  (Link To WSILTV3 report #2 with Cody's Father) Here are Cody's pictures he posted to Hi-Point on their Facebook page.

I think Mr. Anderson was kidding when he asked if they would replace his Carbine, but Hi-Point demonstrated once again that they are a first-class outfit. Hi-Point products are affordable, dependable, made by Americans, and they are backed by a good warranty administered by great people.

Photo Credit, Cody Anderson, used with permission.  Thank You, Cody!


Merle said...

Now that's incredible!!!

danno said...

Kudos to a company that see's the big picture. As in, "Clearly we are at no fault, it was damaged via an "act of God", we are committed to making the customer whole."

And double Kudos for letting him know upfront, "it's clearly not repairable. So the replacement will have to go via FFL."

Which reminds me... I still need to send mine in :-(

David aka True Blue Sam said...

Hi-Points have an interesting, if unintended safety feature. The factory gets firearms regularly with multiple bullets stuck in the barrel because of squib ammunition. The actions do not lock, but are strictly blowback operated, so when rounds are fired into an obstructed barrel there is no explosion. The bolt pops back and pressure is relieved. Hi-Point recently had a Carbine returned with 25 slugs stuck in the barrel. There was room for one more, so the owner must have run out of ammo or suddenly and belatedly recognized that nothing was coming out of the barrel.