Friday, July 31, 2009
Crankin' It Up
We are going high class this Friday with some real Long-Hair music arranged by Fritz Kreisler, and played by Jascha Heifetz. Don't let my buzz cut fool you; I love this kind of music.
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bonus Shooting Time!
It Beats Pumping By Hand!
A collector from Georgetown, Indiana showed this neat Aermotor display last week at Boonville. There is a good closeup of the ignitor and exhaust arm working in conjunction with each other at the end. I never get tired of watching and listening to old machines like this one.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Perfect Crime
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Show Never Ends Around Here
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Not My Victrola: A Spelling Lesson
Listen to this song a few times and you will never be stuck when someones asks how to spell"Constantinople." I have kept this tune in my head for more than forty years, and someone might ask yet; you never know. This is a Paul Whiteman record, posted on YouTube by MickeyClark.
R.I.P. Scooter
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Weekend Steam
Friday, July 24, 2009
Boonville, Indiana Steam and Gas Show!
The fall show in 2011 will be on October 14, 15, and 16. Click on the labels at the end of the post to see related posts, many of them about Boonville, Indiana's steam and gas engine show.
Information about the October 12-14 Fall 2012 Show can be seen at THIS LINK (CLICK).
Crankin' It Up
Here is a lighthearted Vaudeville song by Ernest Hare and Billy Jones. Cameo was a budget label, and this particular record was given to me forty years ago by my Great Aunt Bessye, in Burlington, Iowa.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Point A To Point B
Making the front of a hinge right is not terribly difficult because you can see what you are doing with the saw, and after you remove the wood, you can see if both cuts match up right. When making the open face, bring the saw's bar to the end of the first cut, dog in, and watch through the first cut for the bar to rotate in and match up. The back side of the hinge is a little more difficult, and novices often end up with uncut wood that interferes with the tree tipping, or a hinge that is to thick, or too thin on one end. This video shows the easy solution for the times that your bar can reach all the way through the tree. Punch through, cut the hinge wood to the correct thickness on the side where you are standing, anchor the saw by pressing the dogs into the bark, then carefully rotate the saw toward the open face until the hinge wood is the correct thickness on the other end. Easy As Pie!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Reminders of Long Ago

Monday, July 20, 2009
June e-Postal Results Are Up!

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Not My Victrola
Here is another Paul Whiteman record, this one from 1935, uploaded by Mickey Clark. The Darktown Strutters' Ball played in a Swing style really shows how music changed during the 1930's.
July e-Postal Match: I Almost Missed It!

Not, Funny Ha-Ha
Cypress is a bit funny compared to other trees when it is hit by lightning. I guess the wood structure and the nature of its sap is just the right combination to maximize the effect of flash steam when a bolt strikes, because cypress trees throw chunks of themselves all over the place when they are hit. This top blew off of a twenty year old tree two nights ago when a squall line passed over us.
This photo was taken on Saturday, July 18, and you will note that Susan is wearing a jacket. Our high temperature was 70, and the kitchen felt pretty good Saturday evening with the oven fired up to cook pizza. Wow; a cold day in July! Get out and drive your SUV a few extra miles to warm up the world, if you believe in that sort of thing.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Weekend Steam: Good News, Bad News, Good News
Video by EverywhereWest
Video by SteamAirMan
There is some news about Old Threshers at Mt. Pleasant,Iowa that travelers need to know this year. Veterans can go on the grounds for half price on Thursday, September 3, the first day of the annual show. This deal is available only for a one day pass. The bad news is that the two locomotives that do most of the work hauling passengers are down for maintenance. Number 6, the Baldwin Mogul engine has been disassembled, and the boiler has been sent off to have the stay bolts replaced. Number 9, the Shay from West Side Lumber is also down for some major maintenance. The Henschel engine will be packing most of the load, and a diesel switcher will be picking up the slack, so the trains will still be running to move the fans from one end of the grounds to another. The next good news is that veterans will ride FREE! on the train on the first day of the show. This is a great deal for vets who tire out, or who just want to ride and relax. Start planning for your trip to Mt. Pleasant.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Crankin' It Up
Celebrate the weekend with a snappy Fox-Trot, courtesy of The King Of Jazz, Paul Whiteman, and his orchestra. Carolina in the Morning will move your feet and lift your spirits. I could hardly hold still while I was recording it off of the Brunswick.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Something Old, Something New

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Can It Be Saved?

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Birthday Girl
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Weekend Steam
These are amateur videos taken on the Cass Scenic Railroad at Cass, West Virginia. The top one has some great steam whistle sound, enhanced by the echo of the mountains. The second video shows the scenery at the top of the climb up the mountain. It has been many years since we rode this tourist line, and the sights and sounds make me want to go again. Look it up on the internet to begin planning if you like old steam trains. Old company houses have been fixed up for tourists to stay in, and the locomotives, scenery, and history will make this a memorable trip for you.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Crankin' It Up
This week's Crank-Up is a Marion Harris selection from October, 1920. Miss Harris performs "Never Let No One Man Worry Your Mind," and to make sure you know this song is amusing, Columbia's description on the label says 'Comedienne.' I managed to make it through without guffawing. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
It's Fun To Have The Birds Around
We have been watching this Mama Bluebird tending her babies for several days. This is the second brood produced in this bluebird house this summer. A few weeks back we spotted a big black snake doing some amazing climbs as he hunted, probably for birds. He was banished; and today we exiled another one. Last year we had a black snake that made his way to the top timbers in the barn, and that may be why we are short on barn swallows. The snakes have been put on notice that they are not welcome around our feathered friends.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Daily Chainsaw Rehab
This slide show has been hanging fire for a long time, but I finally got around to writing the titles. These are the steps you should go through every day after you have used your saw, but I did not include sharpening or carburetor adjustment. Carburetors seldom need adjusting on today's saws, and I may cover that in a future post. I like to sharpen after every tank of gas, and my chain is never dull. I touch up the depth gauges after several filings. I will definitely do a post about sharpening; probably next fall.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Old Cars At Evansville
Antique Cars At Evansville's SIAM Club Show
Uploaded by TrueBlueSam. - Car, truck, and motorcycle videos.
YouTube was down for maintenance, so I uploaded a slide and video show to DailyMotion to see how it performs. These old cars are pretty neat, and my big disappointment in taking photos was the blue Model T with the Frontenac head. I ran out of space on my SD card as he pulled up to the line to make a run, so I don't have video of the neatest hot-rod at the show. Other cars were making the run at about 28 to 30 miles per hour, but the Frontenac T came across the line at 40. Pretty Impressive. I read about this Model T conversion 40 some years ago, but this is the first one I have seen. The black, bare-frame T was recently assembled. The owner of that car found a set of solid Chevy wheels and had the machine work done to use Model T hubs with them. He will probably have a body on this car for next year's show.
UPDATE: This video is also available on YouTube now; Click Here.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Speedster Teaser: More To Come
Here is a taste of the cars we saw at Evansville last month. I will be putting some photos and videos together for your enjoyment. This one sure does sound sweet.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Not My Victrola
Our fellow YouTuber, Pax41 has posted another great Marion Harris song, this one from 1924. It's a nice slow Fox-Trot to help you wind down after a holiday weekend.
The Party's Over!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Weekend Steam

This week we have a photo from the Burlington, Iowa waterfront, probably shot sometime prior to 1920. My Aunt Bessye was born in 1892, and I always enjoy seeing what she saw in the Burlington area when she was a young woman. I am also getting to meet relatives I have heard about, but never met. I Googled this boat, but had no luck finding information about it on the Internet. If anyone knows some history on the Excursion Queen out of St. Paul, please write in the comments.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Crankin' It Up
We have been pulling out these old Columbias for the past few weeks, and it is a bit amazing that we had these great early Twentieth Century violinists on record, and have never listened to them. Do a search for Frank Gittelson and you will wonder why you never heard of him. He studied in Berlin, debuted in New York in 1913, and had a long and successful career. He had some great instruments, too, but many people tend to put more emphasis on the violin maker than the person playing it. We have more violinists, but we will be uploading some more popular music for the Fox-Trot and Charleston fans.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Is One Of These In Your Future?
There's no telling what we will be driving in a few years, given the upheaval in the auto industry. These little putt-putts were motoring around at Evansville last month. I especially like the auxilary gas tank option on the first machine; he's ready to go touring.