Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Here's What's Up

 The Mrs. stayed busy this fall laying out and painting a bear claw (with star) barn quilt.   She finished it last week, and we mounted it on a frame Christmas Eve. 

 Lifting into position was easy.   We clamped a hand winch on the end of the hay rail, loosened the top two siding boards, and ran the winch line down.  We cranked up the quilt, drilled the first hole for a mounting bolt, stuck the first bolt, and then clicked the winch up a bit to level the wife's masterpiece.  Lots of ladder moving and climbing up and down was necessary to drill the rest of the  mounting holes, but we soon had all the bolts stuck.
We finished up after dark, as usual.


JimmyDean said...

That is absolutely beautiful. You guys make a pretty good team!

David aka True Blue Sam said...

Thanks! We had a good time with this project.

Drang said...

My first thought was "What a neat hex sign!"

The Freeholder said...

Looks good. I wonder how silly it would look if I did a miniature one for my outbuilding? (I don't have a real barn.)

David aka True Blue Sam said...

Folks have been making them as small as 2' x 2' to fit the situation. Here is a nice variety in Washington, Iowa: http://www.barnquiltsiowa.com/index_012.htm