Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Out In The Sticks...

...I never know what I will run into.  Sometimes you get out and walk before you planned, sometimes you see a lesson, sometimes you see a picture from life's other side.

In over thirty years of doing forestry work, I've never had to call for a wrecker. ( I did get pulled out by a tractor once.)  I park early, and when I'm off the paved roads, I tend not to use four wheel drive to get into a place, only to get out.

What logger pulled this stunt?  No hinge at all made for an embarasingly visible barber chair.  Even rank amateurs know better than this if they leaf through their chainsaw manual.

It looks like the renters tightened the place up quite a bit with the scavenged tin added to the roof.  That's a good looking old Maytag; I wonder if young wives today know how to run a set of rinse tubs with a machine like this.  I'm afraid I don't see much joy in old houses like this one.

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